Choosing the Right Equipment
Choosing the right equipment is crucial to playing the saxophone with ease. I have created this link for you so you can purchase everything you need for the perfect set up With regards to instruments I recommend the Yamaha 25 or 62 for a good middle of the range beginners to intermediate level. I […]
06 Listening
When you are listening to some of your favourite artists it is important you listen through good speakers or headphones. You will not hear the quality of sound you need for this to beneficial through the speakers on your laptop. Don’t rely on Spotify to show you saxophonists either as this is really limited, you […]
05 Vibrato – Beginners Introduction
This is a beginners introduction using just your mouthpiece. We will discuss this more as we progress in more advanced tutorials. The same technique can be used with and without your instrument across the entire range of the instrument. If you want to advance this onto your instrument practise using the long notes practise technique.
04 Bending Notes
Bending Notes, have fun with this one. Build it in to your practise routine everyday and you will see the benefits over time. When you move this onto your instrument try starting with the upper octave notes such as a B as this is a lot easier to bend. I will discuss this more with […]
03 Tonguing Practise Without Your Instrument
Using just your mouthpiece or mouthpiece and crook you can practise your tonguing. Practise Patterns: Try tonguing for 8 crotchet beats then hold for 8 beats, repeat four times. You can then double this to quaver beats, tonguing 16 quaver beats and holding for 8 crotchet beats. Repeat this four times. You can also practise […]
02 Building Stamina
In this lesson I want you to work on your stamina. We are going to work on expanding your lungs and controlling your air flow. In this exercise I want you to see how long you can sustain a note for. Make sure you recap on your long note practise from your foundations course
01 Embouchure Practise
These exercises will help strengthen your embouchure and build your stamina. One Rep is 20 seconds squeezing, 10 second rest. Start with 5 reps of each exercise and build each week!
Long Note Practise – C Major Scale
Practise can be boring, I know! So, let’s give it a go together. This is a tutorial on long notes using the C major Scale. We are going to go through one octave starting on middle C up to top C. Do NOT worry about moving at exactly the same time as me. This does […]
Tuning Your Saxophone
Tune your instrument every time we play together. Use your F# for this. It is also wise to retune your saxophone after you have warmed up. As your saxophone warms up it will get sharper.
13 Performance Techniques – Baker Street Performance
In this lesson I will prepare you for the performance itself! You can also hear me play this song all the way through here if you are looking for a complete performance of the song. Please do tag me in to your performances on Instagram @sarahlouiseings I would love to hear them