11 Practise Video – C Maj Arpeggio

Practise makes perfect! Incorporate this in to your practise routine until you can play this perfectly. Then move on to a new scale. You can practise this tongued as well if you want to advance your practise. Make sure you tune your instrument first. You want to be listening to the sound you are creating […]

09 Tonguing Practise

Here is this great little exercise that I created to get you use to tonguing without over complicating things. You can practise with me in this video. Make sure you have tuned your instrument to a tuner first.

08 Long Note Practise

This is a tutorial on long notes using the C major Scale. We are going to go through one octave starting on middle C up to top C. Do NOT worry about moving at exactly the same time as me. This does not matter, if anything it helps you take the sound from the note […]

07 Where To Tongue

Whilst you are learning focus on only using the tonguing technique to separate repeated notes. Use my practise exercises to get use to this technique. Always practise your technique in your exercises, long notes and scales, never practise a new technique in the piece itself. You want the music to be free of any problems […]

06 How To Practise

Structured practise is the best way to get the most out of your learning. It is the best way to get satisfying results quickly! You can get more out of 30 minutes concise, concentrated practise than you can 3 hours of mindless unfocused playing.

05 Phrasing & Breathing

Getting your phrasing and breathing right is what will set you apart from other saxophonists learning. It is the difference between a beginner and a pro. As you advance and start playing more difficult pieces you can research your favourite saxophonists performing these songs. Listen to their phrasing, dynamics and where they breathe, you can […]

03 C Major Arpeggio

Let’s build your scales and arpeggio repertoire! Practising your scales and arpeggios will make playing your pieces of music quicker and easier. Let’s go!

02 C Major Scale

Let’s get started! C Major scale is where we are starting with this course, we are going to tackle two octaves! Keep your throat nice and open and keep your embouchure position still. Practise this everyday as part of your warm up.